The Glorious WTF-O-Vision!

The Glorious WTF-O-Vision WTFifies, Gloriously.
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The WTF-O-Vision is a subproject of the Atropa Toolbox.

What It Does

From the Urban Dictionary

Pronounced: "What-the-fuckify"
Root: WTF
To edit a piece of writing as if it were a Mad Libs word game. Replacing nouns, verbs, and phrases with other asinine and often more interesting bits of text.

What our customers are saying:

As reported by Overlord Darklight:

WTF-O-Vision is a liscenced trademark of Kastor-Inare Labs; assigned to a second-generation, mark two type trollamabob conceived, programmed and executed by Kastor himself. This hypertext markup language pooetic translation device allows an Atropan user to choose an appropriately emo-tional pooem, whose text code could then be scanned for matches in a pre-programmed database of much, much lulzier wording. The databases' lexicon would then be applied to any choice entry; undeniably elevating said tripe to, at least minimally, a hilarious trainwreck.

As reported by casual cookies (rayheinrich):

seems to improve most of the DU poems i enter... does even better on comments. :) :)

As reported by aglitch:

This is the absolute best. I'm not even sure what a 'ritart' is.

As reported by Just__Gigi (Gg78):

This is a straight bug out.. My poem was turned even more un readable lol funny and cute

Try it live!

The div below is editable in any browser worth it's salt. Go ahead and paste in whatever you want then click the WTFify! button for Glorious results!

I am the greatest poet to ever live.

Usage & Info

Tested on Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer. It just works! Run the tests live in your browser.

You can use the js file as is, it's ready to go. Edit the dictionary and turn it into a profanity filter, reverse profanity filter, trite checker, or whatever you want. Full documentation is available in the source code or in somewhat organized HTML here. There is also a code analysis report if you are into that kind of thing.

Using Visual Studio or WebMatrix? Intellisense support is available from docs/vsdoc/OpenLayersAll.js. Other editors and IDE's may be able to use the javadoc style comments in the source code.